Sunday Summary

Sunday Summary


Sunday Summary.

Sunday Summary Week Three.  Congratulations you have made it another week! Today completes week three of The Love Challenge. During the third week you have been challenged to Say It With A Song, The Power of Touch, Appreciation List, Appreciation List Drop Off, Give A Gift, and Delete Your Records. Week three has been full of love challenges that have asked us to be less selfish and to truly pour into our loved one.

Today I challenge you to review week three.  I pray that you have used this time to practice the many ways that you can love your loved one and that you have found new ways to enhance the love between the two of you. What Day Challenges have truly challenged you this week? Did you throw in the towel or did you press on?

You may have realized by now that this past week has been full of giving in some form or another.  During week three we have given our loved one special touch, a list of things we appreciate about him/her, a playlist, a gift, and fresh start be deleting our records and score-cards. One thing I think we can agree on is that love requires a lot of giving and giving can be found in many ways. The Day Challenges during week three have encouraged us to practice and explore many ways to give. The long-term goal is for us to give so much love to our loved ones that the many ways of giving love become innate and defies our selfish nature. Your loved ones cup should always be full.  Take each challenge from last week and simply wake each day with a new way to give love. When you find yourself tallying up all the love you have given your loved one, it means you’re not giving enough. You should be giving so much love that you don’t have enough numbers to keep tally any longer.

As mentioned in previous weeks’ challenges, the things in The Love Challenge that are difficult for you, continue practicing them and for the things that you find easy do more of them! Thank you for sticking with The Love Challenge! You have one more week to go. I pray that your week is full of love and giving.

Love Language

Love Language

Delete Your Records

Delete Your Records