Smart As A Mother
*This post is sponsored, however all opinions are my own.
The truth is I thought that after birthing and breastfeeding my three babies that I knew all I needed about breastfeeding and my babies' health. Well, I recently attended an Evivo Health event hosted by Vanessa Barnett, of Stilettos and Sippy Cups, that opened my eyes to so much more about my babies' health and well being.
Vanessa Barnett hosting alongside Dr. Tracy and Dr. Tanya
Did you know that the type of birth (vaginal or cesarean), can impact the health of your baby's gut? Or that the type of medications received during labor and delivery of your child and/or our decision to breastfeed or not can impact the health of our baby's gut? Before we take sides; let's not start a mommy war, but let's learn something new today.
I recently leaned about Evivo. Evivo is a probiotic for babies that can be used as early as 6 days old and it's sole purpose is to restore our baby's gut back to its natural state after birth. This baby probiotic is Activated B.infantis, an activated probiotic powder, and is mixed right in with a little of your expressed breast milk. Studies have shown that as the years pass less and less babies are being born with this good bacteria.
The big eye-opener for me at the informative event was that our baby's gut health can help prevent things like eczema, allergies, etc which I know so many of us families deal with one of several of those conditions in our children. In addition, if you've been following my blog for a while then you know I am all for natural-living. When I heard that Evivo is not a medicine, but a food item that requires refrigeration, I really became intrigued with this new product.
I encourage all pregnant moms and moms of new babies to read about Evivo on their own and see if it's a good fit for their family. Thank you Evivo for sharing this new product with me and for the opportunity to learn more about Evivo . It sounds great!